Monday, June 13, 2011


We are finally in our new home and getting unpacked.  One of the first things I unpacked was the big computer so I could upload all my pictures and get started on updating my blog.  Well I think uploading over a thousand pictures made my computer very very slow so slow in fact that photoshop wont open on it.  Oh and the internet will only work on the lap top but not the desktop. I have some fixing to do and lets see if I can do it.  Hopefully I will be getting that resolved today so we can have some pictures on here.

We LOVE our house it is amazing and so nice to be unpacking.  Kade is walking and life is grand.  Grandma Helen you are in our prayers we love and think of you often!


bjahlstrom said...

Amazing! Congratulations!

Smart Helm said...

Thats great. It'll be fun 2 see pictures!