Thursday, May 14, 2009

Ice Cream Rules
I learned tonight that there are Ice Cream Rules in our house. According to Jesse they are:
Rule 1: Maintain the symmetry
Rule 5: No tunneling
Rule 10: No low tech means of sonar in order to find bunnies (aka the fork jab)
Rule 12: Clean up after yourself

Now the other rules are to be decided by my wonderful husband seeing how he just made these up tonight after I dug a tunnel in his ice cream =) And a couple hours later he is still complaining that I made a tunnel through his ice cream to eat the good stuff (chocolate, caramel, bunnies, and no ice cream). Oh wait as I write...still complaining and this is not with just bunny tracks but all ice cream except Rule 10 cannot apply to all ice cream. I do not agree with these rules!! I am not as crazy or should I say anal about eating my ice cream as my husband=)


Smart Helm said...

I have to admit.. I kinda agree with ur husband!

I know a way to solve the problem. Each get ur own ice cream box:-)

Powers Fam said...

I only have a few rules concerning ice cream.

1. I like it better when cliff scoops it out.

2. Cliff isn't supposed to leave the spoon in the carton. I have almost lost a few spoons to the trash bc of this.

I love all the good stuff also! Probably why I'm in love with the frozen yogurt places where you can add as many toppings as you like. I put in a little yogurt and the smother with toppings.... Especially caramel sauce. Yum

Sarah Jarvis said...

I am totally on your side. I do the same thing. Karl hates it. We hardly ever have ice cream though, so that is not really problem. But I always pick the M&Ms out of the trail mix as well, etc. Hey, that is the joy of being grown up and a mom. I can do whatever I want. Kind of.

Kathy said...

By demand... I'm leaving a comment!

My poor baby! Is she eating your bunnies again?!! And tunneling??!! I don't see how this marriage is going to work! Maybe you can splurge and buy a whole big bag of peanut butter cups and mix them into a carton of soy ice cream. That way, James, you can go fishing and eat the ice cream too! Mommy understands...

WARNERS said...

That is so funny! I'm definitely a Jamie when it comes to ice cream. I'm even worse than tunneling. When I'm done, there'll be chunks of overturned barren, ice cream complete with fork tracks.

The funny thing is that Mitch has never said anything. I guess I shouldn't ask.

Tara said...

I say icecream rules are lame!!! Tunnel way Jamie!!