Thursday, January 28, 2010


Why do people ask and say stupid things when you are pregnant? Today I got asked "Where did that belly come from?" I just stared at them thinking what the crap am I supposed to say back to that. Oh it drives me crazy. Another person asked me "How did that get there?" Really can you just say congratulations or when are you due. No they have to say stupid stuff and ask stupid questions. Okay thats my rant for tonight. Oh yeah and I have no theme for the babies room yet, we haven't thought of the colors or anything along those lines for that matter. I know I should start thinking about it and planning it but really we haven't done a thing. Its driving people crazy and I'm sorry about that, we just haven't thought about it really. We still have plenty of time =) Oh and I'm more excited right now about getting a week off work and going home for that week and relaxing and having fun.


bjahlstrom said...

Jamie, maybe I missed this in a previous post, but do you know what you are having? I'm excited for you two.

Sarah Jarvis said...

Oh man, I love it. Yep, I totally understand. Maybe these people are just trying to be creative and come up with new stuff not realizing that they are annoying. I promise not to ask anything like that in Vegas. And, you don't even have to have a theme for the baby's room. Who ever came up with that? Just let your kids personality/likes/dislikes help you create their room. Newborns don't care much about themes :-)
Hope you are feeling well.

Suz said...

Well you saw my baby's room on my blog, no real theme there. So don't fret about that. As far as comments people make...yeah, people are pretty dumb. Wait till you have 2 weeks left and you feel like a huge elephant and the very "sensitive" things people tend to say. I'm excited you are having a boy! How fun. Any names?

rebecs said...

I TOTALLY get what you are saying. Just look at those people like they are crazy. because they are.

bird said...

those are the stupidest things i've ever heard said. i've had a couple things said to me too. in the beginning i tried to be polite but now i just call people out on it. and i don't care. but after some women made a comment about seth's dimples and the milkman (because ryan and i don't have any), i decided if they're going to be rude i will too.