Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Memorial Day

Brothers...not sue what they are look at there is no one else in the room

Oh goodness can you believe Seth is 3 months old today! I can't I'll get his 3 month pictures up soon.

Best $9 I've spent in awhile.  Seth loves this thing and Kade has been playing with it too.  I love seeing them play together.

This is more typical of how they play.  Kade will play near Seth but not with him.

Saturday we went with the scouts and activity day girls to put up crosses and flag at the cemetary for the veterans.  Kade helping Isabel

Kade's job was to take out the little white flags before the girls would hammer in the cross

Helping the girls.  (I know not good for the flags to be on the ground but these girls were learning)

It was a fun morning and we put up lots of crosses and lots of flags.  I hope that we can do this every year because it was fun and hopefully a nice new tradition.  We are grateful for all those who have served our country especially our family members.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Washington Park Arboretum

While dad was here we went up to the Washington Park Arboretum to check out the flowers.  We walked along some nice trails and the weather was beautiful. 
Kade kept tripping while eating his apple so he had to ride in the stroller for awhile.

We picked lots of flowers

Dad and grandpa

Swinning boy.  Look how straight his legs are.

He had to stop and play with the cone.  He out rocks in it and the would yell into it.  Such simple pleasures.
The flowers were so pretty.

Seth was so good just chillin in the stroller.  He is getting so big and fat.

Friday, May 25, 2012

While my dad was here we planted my garden.  I wouldn't have gotten it done without him and we took a couple of trips to the nusery and home depot too.  We got horse manure from the stables behind our house to add it to our soil.  I hope it works.  Next step in the yard is to seed it and put a boarder around the garden...that will happen one day but for now Jesse and Kade are working hard on the deck...pictures to come soon.
We got about 30 strawberry shoots from a lady in our ward.  They already have strawberries on them so I'm super exicted.

Pumpkins on the left and cucumbers on the right.  Both pumpkin plants have sprouted and are doing really good.

More strawberries along the house.

The rest of the garden.  I planted a cantelope just because I had the seeds and thought why not.  Then a yellow bell pepper, 4 tomato plants, peas, and green beans.  Hopefully they will do good here along the house and get the warmth that they need to grow.

This cute boy hung out in the yard with us and even fell asleep

He's got the best smile and now laughs a lot

While watering we found a massive web with thousands of baby spiders.....I'm not kidding.  My dad went and sprayed spider spray on them after we removed these and he said they just kept falling.  So glad we got rid of them.

And how can I have a post without this guy.  We have been making lots of smoothies and he loves them!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Northwest Trek

For Kade's birthday the grandparents all pitched in and got Kade a pass to the Zoo and the Northwest Trek.  My dad and I took the boys to the Northwest trek to celebrate his birthday.  The weather was perfect and the trek was empty.  I mean we were at every exhibit by ourselves.  It was awesome and Kade loved it.  We got to ride the tram around and see the bison, moose, long horned sheep, elk and a few other animals.  It was so much fun.  Happy Birthday Kade!

Grandpa and Kade looking out at the tram.

Kade happy to be on the tram to see the animals

This is how Seth and I spent our time.

Long horn sheep.

Kade loved the owls.  He also loves to sign Owl and make owl sounds.

Look at me I'm 2

Being silly

Eating a birthday ice cream sandwich

Obviously the sandwhich wasn't what he wanted because the hijaked my drumstick and licked all the ice cream.  I at least wanted the cone but nope when he was done with the ice cream he took it to the trash and threw it away.  I was so sad.  At least I got his sandwich.

mmmm so good

My super happy baby.  Seth is always smiling and for the most part really happy.

Had to put this picture of my dad up because its a good one.
Now come on up and visit because we can take 3 guests with us each time we go!