Saturday, July 2, 2016

Neo Park, Nakijin Castle and Dad is home

We went up to Nago and went to the Neo Park. We got to take a train ride around the property and look at lots and lots of birds.

Then we walked around and into the aviary's there are some scary birds. 

We thought this one looked super cool

Its a bit terrifying when all the birds come at you.

They had a few other animals like wild boars.

We then wen to Nakijin Castle. Its one of the world heritage sites here in Okinawa

The view was amazing

We then went to Pizza in the Sky and they had the cutest menus. Their whole menu on a fan, so creative

Yummy juice in cool cups/bowl

Corn on pizza is so good.

Its not called Pizza in the Sky for no reason. The view was so great. 

Seth learned how to ride a two wheeler. He could have learned so much sooner but is kind of stubborn. 

Jack loves sitting with Seth and I think it drives him a bit crazy

On a rainy day we went to a cute cafe near Zakimi Castle with Whitney and Kamri Krupa

The bakeries here are a lot different than the ones in the states. Things are not sweet like America.

There was a cute little area (i think it was spring)

Grumpy about something

More bike riding practice

Jesse came home and it was raining a bunch so we decided to go bowling.

We also played some minion monopoly. Kade won

And since dad is home it means the boys have to be on him all the time. and they have to wrestle. They miss Jesse just a little bit. 

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