Monday, June 8, 2015

Beginning of May

I realize it's been awhile since I updated. Here are some things we did in May.

We played at kadena Marina
This boy loves the water

Seth loved this rope
Boys checking out the dock
Jack waiting at swim lessons

We had some canvases and lots of crayons so we melted them for an art project. I think they turned out super cool.
Happy boy with bug bites still on his face. They lasted over a month.
My handsome boys all matching
We went to a party at the park/beach and Darth Vador was there with a storm trooper and Princess Leia. Of course we had to take a picture.
There is a water slide at the beach
Jack loves the water and had a great time at the splash pad.
Seth is such a goof.

Kade bugging Jesse during Jesse's nap
We went to the city civic park. It's close and not too bad.
Boys had a ton of fun
This is the drop slide I'll have to find the video of it. You literally hang and let yourself drop.

The park had these fun spinning things and Kade rode on them a ton. He made it all the way home before he even said he felt sick then he puked with style right into the toilet. 
We also went to the Kurashiki Dam and played in the water. School was out so it was pretty busy.

There is a little learning center and they show a video and it has a dragon the boys loved it.
Kade built this spaceship and wanted me to take a picture of it
More wrestling
My neighbor Lorna and I went and got our toes done. It was fun and they do an amazing job.
Jesse got me Orchids for Mother's Day. It's so pretty.
This child is getting so big. He figured out crawling and is moving all around the house. He loves to pull the magnets off the fridge.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

thanks for the visual of Kade's upchuck!! way to start the morning!! you guys are having way too much fun, it needs to rain so you can stay inside and get something done!
how are the boys swimsuits doing, need any new ones, Carter's is always having sells and they are really cute, rash guards?
keep the pics coming, my grandsons are soooo cute!