Friday I had one of the best days I have had in a long time. I hoped in my car and drove to Farmville Virginia to watch the UVU women's basketball team play. The drive was nice and it took me on a lot of back roads which were fun becasue I got to go through some cute towns and down roads like the one below. I am sad I didn't get to drive this road a couple weeks ago I can just imagine how pretty all the leaves would have been.
I was so excited to see Cathy and Courtney and spend just a little bit of time with them. Cathy's team didn't do so well at the game but man it sure was fun to see them play in person and not have to listen to them on the internet. I should have taken some pictures but was to busy watching the game or texting Emily about the game (Em I really missed you at the game). Courtney couldn't make it to the game so we met her at the hotel. Below is a picture of Cathy telling me not to take her picture =) hehe I did anyways.
I had to document the fact that I did get to see Courtney and Cathy so we took some pictures
I really do love my friends and miss them so much. I wish we could all live closer.
Cathy left at 5:15 Saturday morning and Courtney and I slept in then ate a great breakfast at the hotel. We decided we wanted to go look around and see what was in Richmond. We went down to some Civil War visitor center and found this cool park with this really cool bridge. Its suspended by the over pass.
So this sign was on the bridge made us. Courtney took a picture and then I decided I should probably take one too since I liked it so much. Good to know moving vehicles are always at fault.
This sign was on Belle Island and it made Courtney and I laugh because so much has happened on this little island.
Here is another picture of the cool bridge we walked on. It really is a neat bridge I can't wait to go explore more of Belle Island sometime.
This is the pretty sunset I followed while driving home. It looked a lot better in person thats for sure.
I really did have a wonderful weekend and was sad to go back home. I mean I was excited to get back home and spend time with Jesse but there was something very special about seeing old roommates and yes I consider Cathy a roommate even though I never lived with her. I can't wait to see all the Cherry Chubbs in February. Thank you Cathy for having a game close enough for me to drive and see. Thank you Courtney for driving down and playing with me.
Thank you!! it was a delightful little road trip. I concur- old friends are always dear to the heart and any get together starts where you left off... no matter how much time has gone by. I'm thankful for friends!
Love, Courtney
I'm so glad you got to be there and be with friends. But sad that I wasn't :( makes me miss you even more. I think I better go get some pizza or something so I feel better.
Yeah. Reunions (of any sort) are the best! I am jealous you got to hang out with C&C and have a great time but you deserve it! Can't wait for February either but for now I am enjoying Germany!
What a fun trip! I'm jealous you got to watch a basketball game and hang out with Court and Cathy! I'm looking forward to Feb.
looks like lots of fun and I think that bridge is WAY cool.
Yes, I looked at those pictures of the bridge really closely. I think I might need to go see it :-)
Kawai loved the sign that mentions the Powhattan village. She has totally been into Powhattan lately because supposedly we are related to Pocahontas on my dad's side, so all weekend she has been doing Powhattan warrior challenges at home and at the park and the beach.
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