Sunday, March 1, 2009

Funny sign

So this weekend I went with my friend Michelle to Morehead City. She was running a half marathon and I went to cheer her on. After the race we went out to eat and and I had to use the bathroom. As I was on the pot I looked up and saw this. It made me laugh because while in Utah we ate lots of asparagus and one day had a conversation on why it made your pee smell funny. Well yesterday i found our answer. What a random thing to post in your resturaunt bathroom.
And just incase the flash got in your way here it is again. I tried to zoom in on the explanation.


Emily Nice said...

he he he hah ha ha. I bet if that restaurant sold asperagus that everyone would wants some after reading that sign. So funny!

WARNERS said...

Hmmm... I've never noticed any odor change in my urine after eating asparagus. I'll have to pay more attention.

Sarah Jarvis said...

that is awesome. Karl and I actually think it is a genetic thing whether or not your pee smells. Not everybody seems to have it (like Mandy) but maybe they just have not paid attention. But how could you not notice? It is so obvious. So let us know, Mandy.

Smart Helm said...

That was pretty funny!

Good eye Jamie. And way to have ur camera with you so you can share!

I'm not even going to touch the actual message of the sign. Ew.

xander!! said...

that was just too funny. It's still making me laugh just thinking about it.
