Tuesday, October 4, 2016

A bit of september in review

I got asked to make a display of parks. It was a ton of fun to print out pictures of all the parks we have been to...just a few. 

While dad was gone we got together with a few of our friends whose dads were also gone and went to play at the beach/park

It was a beautiful night and the boys had so much fun jumping waves and body boarding

Handsome boys

He dumped out all the goldfish and was so proud of himself. 2 very neat piles

He loves his hat

Park day at the Uehara Upland Park. Lots of climbing and lots of slides. 

The little Asian boy had a  blast playing with Jack and Callen

Seth decided he wanted to sleep on the floor. He made it until midnight then moved to his bed. He said it was too hard....yeah no kidding

Both boys are playing soccer. Seth just gets to practice he isn't old enough to play in games but he doesn't mind. Kade is doing really good this year. 

Love these ladies. We went and explored some of the islands you can drive to while hitting up spots for an Art Festival

Me and my cute boys

Loved this view at the end of our tour

Lorna and her boys were doing a lessons on rocks and invited us to join in breaking open geodes. They think they are so cool

Kade had his first soccer game and scored a goal

We made borax crystal. 

Thanks Lorna for the idea

Seth insisted on wearing his flannel to church. Its not cold here at all!! He didn't care he liked it because it was soft. 

Sunday picture

We checked out a new beach on Sunday. 

So proud of himself for climbing. 

Seriously love this kid

digging tunnels and finding shells

dinner on the beach

Absolutely love this picture. I thick i'm going to frame it. 

Trying to get a picture of all of us is not always easy

The waves have been pretty big this month so we stopped by another beach after checking mail one day. its so pretty. 

Grandma Paula sent matching pj's. they love them. 

Jack's birthday dinner. He can say Pizza so thats what we had.

His style is amazing

Jack loves his animals and Grandpa Paula sent him some. He was so happy. 

Kami invited us over for dinner and she made Jack a birthday cookie. 

We also celebrated Eva's birthday at Gen's and had super yummy sushi. oh man it was so good. 

Showing off Ainsley's sunglasses because she forgot them. 

Jesse came home right before the typhoon! This is how we typhoon prep by cutting the super long grass. Seth loves to help  Jesse do everything its so cute. 

We had a lazy monday at home because lots of things were closed for the typhoon and Kade and Jesse were both home. I sewed up this bag for the boys pattern blocks and then i made one for Jack's animals. It was a fun little project. 

We had a pretty good size Typhoon but luckily it passed sour and to the west of us. We got a little bit of rain and a little wind. Another island of Okinawa got hit pretty hard. 

Since we were all home it was a perfect day to celebrate Jack's birthday. He loved his hats and books that he got.  Jesse also made him a great cake. 

The boys love having Jesse home. Too bad its only for a few days. Can't wait until he his home for a bit longer but such is life. 

Today we headed out to the sea wall to check out the waves and get out of the house. 

When did he get so grown up?

He loves walking on the wall. It actually looks like he is walking on the water but he isn't he is on the wall that is about 10 feet above the water. 

We are so luck to have such a great group of friends. 

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