Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Jack is 10 months

We haven't done anything to exciting recently. It's been so hot so we have hung out at home a lot and played down at the park in water. We did bust out the slip n slide again with friends but I didn't take any pictures. The boys have had a blast catching grasshoppers in the front yard.
So many kids have been playing with water down at the park the swing area has become flooded. A few days ago someone took away the hose it was sad. Good thing we can just take our own down there.

This one is such a goofball

Slide time. He wasn't so sure about it
This child is a big flirt an d loves attention and hates to be left behind. He also loves to be outside but isn't a fan of grass or sand. But he does love the water most of the time. Everyone thinks he is just so handsome and I have to agree.

Catching grasshoppers one evening

We went with the McPhersons to Comprehensive Park and the kids had a blast.
Jack is finally on the wall!! Only took 10 months.
He is getting into everything!
He now weighs 20lbs and he is thinning out. I'm not sure how he is so skinny he eats a ton and then poops like crazy. 4-5 poopy diapers before 10am is a little much.
Oh these boys


Jill said...

Great pictures. Miss you like crazy. Jack and Ike are about the same size and Ike is into everything too. It's the age. Hugs to everyone.

Unknown said...

can't wait to get there, comprehension (?) park looks like a winner! boys and their bugs!! i will forgo that adventure! I agree, Jack is one cutie!!!