Wednesday, October 28, 2015


We started this week by going to a new park. This one we pass on the way to and from the airport. We finally made it and Seth and Jack had a great time. I loved that it's shaped like a cucumber or a pickle. The faces pop out of the trees when you drive on the express way.

Jack was swinging and then the next he was on the ground. Kind of funny. Can I just say I love how creative these parks are.
Isaac and Seth having fun.
Jesse and I had a date night! And we went to Gen's sushi and it was so good and we are way too much. Oh man I have been wanting it everyday since we went. I'll have to go back soon.
Look at all that good sushi!
Bunko is so much fun when you win!! I got 4 bunko's and won every hand of my first round and a half. Then we took the picture and I lost. Go figure!!!

Friday night we started off our Halloween festivities with Jesse's work party. The kids had a blast and got a ton of candy. 
I just wanted one picture and well Jack did not. But I love his face in this one it's priceless. Life is just so hard!
Trunk or treat
I have to say I love his costume. And he pulls it off so well. And making underwear is no joke it was so hard, cotton does t have the stretch like knit. 
There was a carival inside and Seth fought off the bad guys.
Fishing for pumpkins
Jack and Seth got their faces painted and Jacks costume was perfected. I can't get over how cute he is.

Watch out my super heroes are here to protect me!

Then we saw a super cool rainbow.
Guess what Jesse has been gone one day and the boys room looks like this
And my room looked like this. Don't worry it's cleaner now we have until tomorrow to get it ready for Grandma Kathy.
Oh and Kade thinks it's okay to write on things.....not cool at all
We have made some really great friends recently. Ellen and Kade are in the same class at school and we also go to church with them. We both have 3 kids and they are all the same age give a few month. And our husbands are both gone a lot so Emily and I became instant friends.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

have Kade ask aunt Hailey about writing on headboards?? must run in the family. Great costumes and the face paints finish them off.