Sunday, September 4, 2011


Today we took a great hike on post.  Jesse wanted to to check out an area for deer hunting so off we went after Kade's nap.  It was a beautiful day.  While on our walk we found an apple tree, pear tree, and plum tree.  There were actually a lot of fruit trees so we are thinking at one time it was a  orchard.  As we walked along the road we also found some berry bushes. 
We found an awesome spot for berries. both sides of the road were covered and the berries were huge.  Jesse even picked lots of berries which was awesome so now when he eats them he knows how much work it is to get them.  Doesn't Kade look like he is having so much fun!  He is too funny.

This kid loves berries he ate a ton of them as you can see by his face.

Look at his poor shirt!  I hope it all comes out. By the way my dad picked out Kade's outfirt isn't it super cute. Kade was not too excited to get back into the car.

We probably picked half a bucket of berries.  The bucket is 2 gallons.  Now I get to make something yummy.  The best part there are berries all over the place up here.  Blackberries are not my favorite to pick you sure get scratched up a lot and thats not fun but oh it will be so worth it.  Oh and I picked some early this morning down the street and we had them on our pancakes and they were super yummy.

I hung our pictures!  Finally! Its nice to have some energy back and I hung these above our couch in the livingroom.  I now jsut need to fill in the bottom middle once I find a frame or 2 frames can't decide.  Things are coming together and hopefully it will be done soon.  Or does it ever get done? 


Emily Nice said...

those berries look awesome! I bet you'll make something very tasty. Oh and congradulations btw. excited to see you soon

Tani Vrajich said...

that pic. of him just hanging out on dads back is great. thank you and no i have not seen print somthing but i will look at thanks.

Anonymous said...

was Kade a bit bored at the beginning? great shot of him, good luck get the berry juice out of the shirt!

Jill said...

Love it! Kade's look is priceless.